• 2000th member
  • CAIC25

Climate Alliance

European municipalities in partnership with indigenous peoples –
taking local action on the global climate crisis


A strong community

For over 30 years, Climate Alliance member municipalities have been acting in partnership with indigenous rainforest peoples for the benefit of the global climate. With over 2,000 members spread across more than 25 countries, Climate Alliance is the largest European city network dedicated to fair and comprehensive climate action. In answering how climate protection and adaptation should be practised in our cities and towns, Climate Alliance pairs local action with global responsibility.

Shaping climate action

The towns and cities of the Alliance have each passed a local resolution on membership in which they embrace the association's goals. These are:

  • To strive for a 95 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 compared to 1990 levels, in line with IPCC recommendations.
  • To implement effective and comprehensive climate action in accordance with Climate Alliance principles.
  • To promote climate justice together with indigenous peoples by supporting their rights, protecting biodiversity and abstaining from the use of unsustainably managed timber.

With the Climate Alliance Member Charter, the network also offers member municipalities concrete recommendations for action and shows just how local climate action can look. 

    Join now

    Membership is open to regional governments including municipalities, districts and regions as well as NGOs and other organisations looking to make a difference in the fight against the climate crisis.

    Become part of the Climate Alliance network!