Elke Kastner
National Coordinator Austria
T. +43 01 581 5881–24
E. elke.kastner(at)klimabuendnis.at
The various National Coordination Offices of Climate Alliance work as national coordination points for Climate Alliance members in their areas. Each is characterised by a different structure and sets its own focal themes according national conditions, carrying out projects with and for the members it serves.
Klimabündnis Österreich
T. +43 1 581 5881 -0
E. office(at)klimabuendnis.at
W. klimabuendnis.at
T. +43 699 102 197 73
E. norbert.rainer(at)klimabuendnis.at
Reflex Environmental Association
T. +36 96 316 -192
E. eghajlatvedelmiszovetseg(at)gmail.com
W. eghajlatvedelmiszovetseg.hu
Alleanza per il Clima
T. +39 075 8554321
E. coordinamento(at)climatealliance.it
W. climatealliance.it
T. +39 075 8554321
E. coordinamento(at)climatealliance.it
Klima-Bündnis Lëtzebuerg
T. +352 439030 -26
E. klimab(at)oeko.lu
W. klimabuendnis.lu
T. +352 439030 -26
E. paul.polfer(at)oeko.lu
T. +352 400 427-30
E. raymond.klein(at)astm.lu
Klima-Bündnis Schweiz
T. +41 31 356 32 43
W. klimabuendnis.ch
T. +41 31 356 32 49
E. nadia.christinet(at)kommunale-infrastruktur.ch