Climate Alliance @COP28

The Climate Alliance delegation represented the network at COP28 with several activities including official side events, the Climate Alliance exhibition stand and the traditional handover of the Green Footprints to the UNFCCC Secretariat.
Climate Alliance is also an official member of the Local Governments and Municipal Authorities Constituency (LGMA) and, as such, supported both their official position on COP28, which can be found here as well as their CHAMP Initiative, urging national governments to commit themselves to strengthen municipal actors and take them into account in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). FInd more information on
Climate Alliance Activities
Friday to Saturday, 1 – 2 December 2023
- All day: COP28 Local Climate Action Summit
This event brought local and national decision-makers together for the first time in this form at a COP and thus emphasised the crucial role of the local level in climate policy. It focussed in particular on the transformation of local financing, the integration of local climate policy into the national and international level, the promotion of the local energy transition and the strengthening of local adaptation efforts. Andreas Wolter, President of Climate Alliance and Mayor of the City of Cologne, represented the network there.
Monday, 4 December 2023
- 15:00 – 16:30: Alternative approaches to Amazon rainforest-based carbon offsets (Location: Blue Zone, SE Room 4)
Taking local climate action and global responsibility means that we must continue to prevent the large-scale destruction of rainforests in the future. Some of Climate Alliance's most important allies in this endeavdour are indigenous peoples of Amazonia. This event delved into ways in which we can strengthen their rights, protect their territories and in so doing protect the rainforests. It was organised with Climate Alliance Austria and INFOE. Agenda
Monday to Wednesday, 4 – 6 December 2023
- All day: Climate Alliance Booth (Location: Exhibition Area, Booth 28)
Over three days, Climate Alliance presented its work and initiatives at a joint stand with Climate Alliance Austria and the Wuppertal Institute (DE).
Tuesday, 5 December 2023
- 11:30: Official handover of the Green Footprints campaign results to the UNFCCC
Every year, Climate Alliance presents the Green Footprints collected by tens of thousands of children from across Europe to the UNFCCC Secretariat. By handing over the Green Footprints, Climate Alliance highlights children's efforts towards a sustainable lifestyle and conveys their messages to decision-makers and politicians at the UN Climate Change Conference. This year, the Climate Alliance campaign is celebrating its 20th anniversary! Press release | Photos
The Climate Alliance delegation
Climate Alliance Europe was represented by Silke Lunnebach (Project Coordinator), Thomas Brose (Executive Director) and Andreas Wolter (Board President). Climate Alliance Europe further provided its members, the German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia, the City of Hamburg and the City of Berlin, as well as the OroVerde Foundation and a young representative of the indigenous Waorani people with accreditations thanks in part to support from Climate Alliance Italy and Climate Alliance Austria.