Climate Alliance Services

Climate Alliance Services (officially Klima-Bündnis der europäischen Städte mit indigenen Völkern der Regenwälder Services GmbH) was established as a Climate Alliance venture in 2023. The limited liability company exists as an extension of the association’s structure and counts Climate Alliance as its sole shareholder. Its mission statement is based on Climate Alliance’s core principles: fair, nature-based, local, resource-saving and diverse.
Climate Alliance Services
- Supports Climate Alliance members in planning and implementing local climate protection measures through consultancy, campaigns and data collection services.
- Acts as an important link for the translation of data into political concepts and strategies as well as for making climate action measures quantifiable.
- Offers services to interested actors outside of Climate Alliance’s membership base, e.g. companies, municipal enterprises, consulting offices, scientific institutions and public authorities, towards the promotion of climate action.
Climate Alliance Services will serve to further strengthen Climate Alliance's position as a strategic thought leader in municipal climate action. Climate Alliance Services makes further opportunities for income possible, thus also supporting the association financially, while facilitating the continued development of offers for Climate Alliance members.
The following tools are currently being offered through Climate Alliance Services
- Climate Protection Planner (Klimaschutz-Planer)
The Climate Protection Planner is the recommended emissions inventory tool for Climate Alliance members in Germany, not only facilitating the preparation of greenhouse gas inventories according to the BISKO standard, but also enabling users to record municipal energy flows, analyse potentials, develop scenarios and much more. Learn more
- ESG Cockpit
The ESG Cockpit is a comprehensive web-based tool for sustainability reporting and certification. It enables administrations, municipal enterprises and private sector companies to measure their compliance with sustainability and emissions targets as well as to plan and carry out appropriate measures. Learn more Environmental Insight Explorer
Google's Environmental Insight Explorer (EIE) provides information on energy consumption and emissions in the building and transport sector, provides an overview of the local solar potential, displays the tree canopy density in the municipality and more. Climate Alliance has been offering it to its member municipalities free of charge since 2023. Learn more and contact Miguel Morcillo at m.morcillo(at)
With the CITY CYCLING competition, citizens and local parliaments hop on thier bikes to promote cycling. In teams, they collect as many kilometres travelled by bike as possible for their municipality over 21 consecutive days. The campaign raises awareness for cycling in everyday life among citizens and municipal decision-makers alike. Learn more at city-cycling.orgRADar!
The RADar! reporting platform is an online-based citizen participation and planning tool that enables local authorities and citizens to work together on improving local cycling. Cyclists can use RADar! to alert their city or town to disruptive and dangerous spots on bike paths and in cycling infrastructure via the CITY CYCLING app or online. Learn more at
Your Climate Alliance Services contacts
Climate Alliance Services
Eschborner Landstr. 42 – 50
60489 Frankfurt am Main
André Muno
Executive Director
You can find a list of staff working on offerings provided via Climate Alliance Services here.