International climate process

For local action on climate change
Since its founding, Climate Alliance has worked with COICA to strengthen the involvement and voice of indigenous peoples in the international climate process as well as in other key international processes such as the Convention on Biological Diversity. In the climate process especially, indigenous perspectives and their contribution to stemming CO2 emissions are just beginning to be acknowledged.
Climate Alliance has regularly been present at the annual Conferences of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COPs), participating as official observers since the first COP held in Berlin in 1995. In so doing, we raise awareness on the role of Indigenous peoples and local authorities amongst decision makers and other stakeholders in the international climate process.
Climate Alliance is an official member of Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) Constituency, which acts as a focal point for local level players, facilitating the exchange of information between them and the Climate Change Secretariat. We are also active in the newer Lima Paris Action Agenda (LPAA) process, which aims to give the local level, civil society and other non-state actors a voice in the international climate negotiations. The LPAA, recognised by the UN, is promising to become a permanent fixture in the run up to these annual Climate Summits.
Key documents
Photo: Climate Alliance