Sustainable Mobility Behaviours in the Alpine Region
The Interreg project SaMBA (Sustainable Mobility Behaviours in the Alpine Region) aims to trigger behavioural changes that lead to the increased use of sustainable transport options. The Alpine Region is characterised by a high level of dependency on private cars, mainly due to the mismatch of sustainable transport offerings and people’s mobility needs. The project will thus elaborate and test reward and pricing policies in order to increase the use of sustainable transportation. A tool will be developed that allows planning authorities to estimate the impact of mobility-related behavioural change policies.
In SaMBA, Climate Alliance is working with 12 project partners from five countries in the Alpine region. The transnational approach of the project facilitates the harmonisation of policies throughout the region with a focus on the characteristic mobility behaviour in this interconnected area.
Project funding period: April 2018 – Oktober 2021
SaMBA is supported via the INTERREG Alpine Space Programme of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The total co-financing amounts to €2,021,192.55.
Want to learn more? Contact Janina Emge at j.emge(at)
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