European Climate Pact

Engaging citizens in climate action

The European Climate Pact is a movement of people united around a common cause, each taking steps in their own worlds to build a more sustainable Europe. Launched by the European Commission, the Pact is part of the European Green Deal and is helping the EU to meet its goal to become climate-neutral by 2050.

The Climate Pact is an opportunity for people, communities and organisations to participate in climate action across Europe: learn about climate change, develop and implement solutions, connect with others and maximise the impact of these solutions. The Pact aims to become a lively space to share information, debate and act on the climate crisis, and offer support for a European climate movement to grow and consolidate.

Climate Alliance supports this important initiative as part of the Secretariat of the European Climate Pact. In this role, the Climate Alliance team is responsible for citizen engagement activities, managing a community of 900+ Climate Pact Ambassadors and for coordinating a network of 27 country coordinators in all European member states.

Project funding period: May 2023 – May 2025
via Directorate General for Climate Action (DG CLIMA)

Want to learn more? Contact the EU Climate Pact team at contact(at)

Further information