New in Climate Alliance: Highly effective campaign for energy-efficient building refurbishment
The new campaign of Climate Alliance and cooperation partner fesa e.V., the Energy Caravan, is now providing answers for municipalities interested in motivating their citizens to carry out energy retrofits on their private homes. Through the Energy Caravan, cities and towns offer free energy advice in a selected neighborhood. In this way, the campaign reverses the conventional principle of energy consulting by bringing neutral and qualified energy advisors directly to the citizens.
The campaign follows a standardized approach and is carried out on the basis of blueprint working materials and implementation packages. So far, well over 100 municipalities of all sizes have been supported in order to make them fit for an independent campaign implementation. In an average of 60 percent of the consultations, energy-related renovation measures are implemented in private buildings in all areas – energy savings, energy efficiency and renewable energy production. With the Energy Caravan, municipalities have an effective approach to motivate the previously hard-to-reach target group of homeowners to modernise their energy systems.
For the Energy Caravan, Climate Alliance cooperates with the non-profit association fesa e.V. Currently, the campaign materials and the experiences for knowledge transfer to municipalities are focused on Germany. But together, the two cooperation partners want to make this successful campaign available to municipalities from across Europe in the future.
Are you interested in the Energy Caravan? Contact Jan Schwarz at j.schwarz(at)climatealliance.org for more information.
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