Press release | 28.04.2023
Municipal climate projects from across Europe honoured
Climate Alliance awards 16 Climate Stars for initiatives from seven countries
Frankfurt am Main, 28 April 2023. Climate Alliance officially recognised 12 local authorities, four municipal networks and one foundation for their outstanding climate initiatives yesterday evening during a dedicated gala in Krems an der Donau, Austria. True to the competition’s motto, "Future is now!”, the winners of the European city network’s 10th Climate Star competition from Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Hungary prove that the future is in our own hands.
"The winning projects show how ambitious and committed the local level is. I hope that many cities and towns will follow these inspiring examples. I wish the winners all the best and continued success," commented Andreas Wolter, Climate Alliance President and Mayor of the City of Cologne.
The winning projects are as diverse as they are exemplary. In Germany, Monheim am Rhein convinced the jury with its free public transport pass for inhabitants while Austria’s Bruck an der Leitha impressed with the country’s largest agri-photovoltaic plant. In Sanem (LU), a centre for circular economy is raising awareness amongst citizens young and old, child reporters were sent on a mission to investigate local climate action in Korschenbroich (DE) and the Geman KlimaMobil municipal network won with its efforts to create space for the climate through a campaign on climate-friendly parking management. Further information on these and all other winning projects are now available online.
Climate Alliance, which now has almost 2,000 member municipalities from more than 25 European countries, has organised the Climate Star Award since 2002 to honour exceptional examples of municipal climate action.
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Sarah Mekjian
Communications Director, Climate Alliance
For over 30 years, Climate Alliance member municipalities have been acting in partnership with indigenous rainforest peoples for the benefit of the global climate. With nearly 2,000 members spread across more than 25 European countries, Climate Alliance is Europe's largest city network dedicated to comprehensive and equitable climate action. Recognising the impact our lifestyles can have on the world's most vulnerable people and places, Climate Alliance pairs local action with global responsibility. climatealliance.org