Climate Alliance highlights role of municipalities in energy transition
Climate Alliance has called for improved EU financing for energy transition funding lines key to local level climate action. On 20 April, the city network issued an open letter to representatives of the European Commission alongside thousands of cities, regions, energy agencies, NGOs, SMEs and experts calling for a co-financing rate of no less than 80% for future energy transition “Coordination and Support Action” (CSA) projects.
These CSA projects, which focus on awareness raising and communication, coordination and support services, policy dialogues, mutual learning exercises, strategic planning and networking, are currently co-funded by the EU under the Horizon 2020 programme at a rate of 80%. As of 2021, EU funding for energy transition CSAs will be transferred from the Horizon 2020 Programme to the LIFE Programme.
In response, Climate Alliance is calling for action to ensure municipalities’ central role in the energy transition and as part of the EU Green Deal. At a time of great uncertainty due to COVID-19, funding programmes such as Horizon 2020 and LIFE are more essential for local authorities than ever. Securing a high level of co-financing is of the essence for the continuation of local level climate action activities.
Further information
- Open letter
- European Commission’s publication consultation on 2021 – 2027 LIFE Programme
- Latest calls for LIFE project proposals
Want to learn more? Contact Silvia Nanni at s.nanni(at)climatealliance.org for more information.