Province of Barcelona published handbook on renaturing of cities
The relationship between nature and the city has been a recurring theme in urban debates since the 19th century. Today the planning of green spaces in the cities goes beyond the design of urban parks and gardens. Instead, we are planning infrastructure that incorporates ecological, landscape and health values and includes urban agricultural and forest areas, river banks and transition zones.
In the new book “Renaturing Cities” published by the Climate Alliance member Diputació de Barcelona the authors brought together re-naturalisation theorists, green infrastructure planners and utopia managers. The theory in the first section of the book compiles reflections on the importance of the re-naturalisation of the city and its effects. In the second chapter about strategies cities were presented which carry out their re-naturalisation or urban construction policies in the context of more global strategies that enable them to weave networks and alliances with other cities. And finally, the last chapter on actions describes three specific city projects that use re-naturalisation as the driving force behind urban transformation and improving the quality of life of their citizens.
Let the book inspire you to transform your urban environment!
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