
Press release | 07.06.2016

New EU project POWER published best practices on water management for four cities

Fankfurt am Main. POWER, the EU funded initiative on political and social awareness on water environmental challenges, published an analysis of best practices in city water management. Rapid urbanisation, climate change, and inadequate maintenance of water and waste infrastructures in cities may lead to flooding, water scarcity, water pollution, adverse health effects, and rehabilitation costs that may overwhelm the resilience of cities. These megatrends pose urgent challenges in cities as the cost of inaction is high.

The report is focusing on issues of how communities in general could improve effectiveness and enhance water management, taking into account the expenses involved as well as the likely effectiveness in the city and the neighbourhood. In the document the authors have listed best practices in city water management with regard to each issue of the pilot cities:

  • Flood risk (pilot city Leicester)
  • Water scarcity (pilot city Milton Keynes)
  • Variables related to water conservation (pilot city Jerusalem)
  • Water quality (pilot city Sabadell)

To download the complete report, please proceed to POWER project website at:
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The project will set up a user-driven Digital Social Platform (DSP) for the expansion and governance of POWER existing water networks. The project "Political and sOcial awareness on Water EnviRonmental challenges" (POWER) has been funded by the EU under the H2020-ICT10c-2015 Call. The POWER consortium comprises a total of 12 Partners, including four research institutions dealing with environmental, social and governance issues, two innovation SMEs, two European organisations and four key demonstration cities.