

New EEA report highlights the need for European cities to step up adaptation to climate change impacts

Yesterday, the European Environment Agency (EEA) published a report stressing the need to improve adaptation and resilience at the local level. The report, entitled Urban Adaptation in Europe: How Cities and Towns Respond to Climate Change, states that “the way we plan and construct our cities remains unsustainable”. While cities are aware of the need to adapt, they still struggle to handle the impacts of climate change such as floods and heatwaves.  Climate Alliance has helped produce the report within the framework of the ETC project. The network has provided many local examples from Climate Alliance members such as the German cities of Berlin, Cologne, Dresden and Mannheim.

Alongside the report on the state of European climate change adaptation planning, the EEA has also published a second report, Monitoring and Evaluation of National Adaptation Policies Throughout the Policy Cycle, highlighting the importance of monitoring, reporting and evaluation. Both reports are out now and available for download.

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