

Memorandum secures future of EU Islands Initiative

Last week, the European Commission and numerous Energy Ministers of Europe’s island Member States came together to ensure the future of the Clean Energy for EU Islands Initiative. Their memorandum of understanding calls for the establishment of a long-term structure to support EU islands in their clean energy transition.

For the last two years, Climate Alliance has led the consortium heading up the new Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat for the European Commission. The first EU-wide initiative of its kind to mainstream transition management and multi-stakeholder commitments, its success thus far is due in large part to the so-called quadruple helix approach in which collaboration between public and private stakeholders is carefully balanced. The secretariat thus supports civil society organisations, local authorities, local businesses and academic and educational institutions work together to advance the clean energy transition on their islands as a community effort. Climate Alliance’s long tradition of working with small towns and communities on climate issues through civil society and citizen engagement has made the network a strategic player throughout the secretariat’s development.

Moving forward, the Clean Energy EU Islands Initiative will continue to support islands in their transition agendas while promoting citizen participation, renewable energy communities and the exchange of good practice.

Further information
•    Clean Energy for EU Islands
•    Islands Transition Handbook (pdf)