Press release | 23.05.2019
International meeting identifies key to successful climate action
Joint press release of ifeu Institute for energy and environmental research Heidelberg and Climate Alliance
Climate Neighbourhoods brings together municipalities, businesses, youth and civil society organisations
Communication and trust are essential factors for success when it comes to climate action. The more than 200 participants of the Climate Neighbourhoods identified aspects that are decisive for effective climate protection in the areas structure, mobilisation and financing. “For two days, hundreds of local authority, business and civil society representatives as well as young people debated within the framework of the Climate Neighbourhoods. This truly extraordinary mix of actors have come together to work on solutions that can be fed into the international climate process,” explains Andreas Wolter, Climate Alliance President and Mayor of the City of Cologne.
“There are already many good examples. Strengthening the cooperation between actors to make use of the existing solutions is what is needed. The Climate Neighbourhoods have made this possible,” explains Lothar Eisenmann, Managing Director of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research in Heidelberg. With a special discussion forum for young people, the event also demonstrated the relevance of the young in decision making processes. Even Heidelberg’s residents were able to present their ideas for a future without greenhouse gases as part of an art campaign addressing the next UN climate conference.
As part of the ICCA2019, the results of the Climate Neighbourhoods will flow into ICCA’s overall results as well as the yet to be published Heidelberg Outcomes. ICCA2019 is a milestone on the way to the UN Climate Summit in New York in September 2019 and has been hosted by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, the German State of Baden-Württemberg and the City of Heidelberg. The ifeu Institute for Energy and Environmental Research and the European city network Climate Alliance organised the Climate Neighbourhoods.
Further information
- Svenja Schuchmann, Tel. +49-69-717139-21, s.schuchmann(at)
- Angelika Paar, Tel. +49-6221-4767-73, angelika.paar(at)