Press release | 19.06.2019
European project on renewables and energy storage launched
Historical city centres in Austria, Croatia, Italy and Slovenia to benefit
The new European project Store4HUC develops solutions for renewable energies and their storage in historical buildings. “It is not always easy to supply listed buildings with renewable energy and to store that energy: visible changes to the building are not possible and the subsequent installation inside the buildings is often difficult. This calls for imaginative solutions,” explains Dr. Wolfgang Hofstetter of Climate Alliance, city network and Store4HUC project partner.
Store4HUC provides listed buildings with innovative systems for renewables and energy storage. The Bračak castle near the Croatian city of Zabok will see the installation of a photovoltaic system and battery storage. For the inclined elevator in the Italian city of Cuneo, a new storage system will replace the conventional chemical-based battery. In Slovenia, the municipality of Lendava’s library will be connected to the district heating network and a paraffin cell buffer-based energy storage system will be implemented while in Weiz, Austria, the biomass heating plant of the listed church and parish will be supplemented with a hot water storage tank.
The University of Zagreb will also develop software tools to assess both the impact of energy storage in historical neighbourhoods and energy independence.
Store4HUC is supported by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme funded under the European Regional Development Fund.
Further information
- Descriptions of the projects in the four historical centres (pdf)
- This press release as pdf.
- Dr. Wolfgang Hofstetter, Tel. +49-69-717139-13, w.hofstetter(at)