
Photo: Climate Alliance


Day of Franco-German Friendship: Finalists of the cross-border cycling campaign published

The TANDEM initiative for the partnership of German and French municipalities has taken the Day of Franco-German Friendship today as an opportunity to announce the finalists of its version of the CITY CYCLING campaign. The winning pairs with the most kilometres cycled in absolute terms were The district of Emmendingen - PETR Sélestat Alsace Central, the city of Tübingen - Aix-en-Provence and the city of Belfort - Leonberg.

In 2024, the cross-border edition of the successful CITY CYCLING campaign took place for the third time as part of TANDEM. In 2025, interested Franco-German couples are once again invited to take part and set an example for more cycling and climate action. The complete results are available online.

Read more about the finalists of the Franco-German edition of CITY CYCLING 2024.