Press release | 19.10.2018
Climate Star 2018 goes to 15 municipalities and regions
Climate Alliance awards outstanding climate action projects from seven European countries
This year Climate Alliance awards the Climate Star for the eighth time, the best examples of climate action throughout Europe were honoured at Grafenegg Castle in Lower Austria. A total of 15 projects from seven countries were awarded this year, among them, the Hungarian municipality of Kunsziget with 1,200 inhabitants and a generation project, Marcallo con Casone in Italy as a “bike-friendly municipality”. Tübingen in Germany brought home a Climate Star with its climate protection campaign “Tübingen macht blau”, Ghent in Belgium with the Foodsavers Initiative and the municipal network of energy cities in Switzerland with the Seeländer Solarcup. Current or completed climate projects could be submitted. An international jury evaluated the projects according to the criteria of sustainability, multiplier effect, media effectiveness, innovation and involvement of the population.
“The Climate Star is more than just a climate challenge. It has become an interna-tionally known and proven platform for the exchange of innovative ideas, practi-cal solutions and feasible measures for climate mitigation and adaptation to the consequences of the climate crisis. We congratulate all the winners and wish them continued success,” congratulates Thomas Brose, Climate Alliance Executive Director. The gala was hosted by the Federal State of Lower Austria. “Austria holds the EU Council Presidency in this six-month period and is thus the centre of Europe,” explains Deputy Governor Dr. Stephan Pernkopf. “We are therefore all the more pleased to be able to award the European Climate Star awards in Lower Austria. Lower Austria was one of the first regions in Europe to join Climate Alliance 25 years ago and we now have 352 Climate Alliance municipalities – more than any other region. With their support, we are European pioneers in the transformation of our energy systems.”
Representatives of Climate Alliance Austria partners from Rio Negro in Brazil, FOIRN President Marivelton Rodrigues Barroso and anthropologist Renato Mar-telli Soares, were also present at the award ceremony. This year, Climate Alliance Austria and the indigenous organisation known as FOIRN are celebrating the 25th anniversary of their partnership – an truly international success story.
Category 1 - up to 10,000 inhabitants
- Böheimkirchen (AT) – Michelbach river habitat
- Krummnußbaum (AT) – Internal development before external
- Kunsziget (HU) - Multi-generation project
- Marcallo con Casone (IT) – Cyclist-friendly municipality
- Wiener Neudorf (AT) – Sustainable town rejuvenation
Category 2 - up to 100,000 inhabitants
- Ettlingen (DE) - Energy-saving boxes
- Judenburg (AT) – Climate action with staying power
- Narni (IT) – Zero waste
- Schifflingen (LU) – Waste separation is easy and saves money
- Tübingen (DE) – Tübingen macht blau
Category 3 - over 100,000 inhabitants
- Ghent (BE) - Foodsavers
Category 4 - Local authorities associations
- Energiestädte Biel, Brügg, Nidau, Lyss (CH) – Seeländer Solarcup
- KEM Sterngartl-Gusental (AT) – Friends of Earth
- Kreis Steinfurt (DE) – energieland2050
- Ternitz-Umgebung (AT) – Water brings life
Further information
- Angela Hanisch, T. +49-69-717139-12, a.hanisch(at)climatealliance.org
- Hannes Höller, T. +43-664-8539409, presse(at)klimabuendnis.at