Climate Alliance supports European campaign for more local staff in municipal climate action
Today, the Europe-wide campaign "More Municipal Staff for the Climate" was launched. Together with other city networks and organisations, Climate Alliance is supporting the campaign that is being lead by Energy Cities. With the campaign, the partners want to draw attention to a relevant problem in local climate action: the lack of staff for climate action work on the ground.
A key element of the campaign is a Manifesto, in which the signatories propose measures to the EU Member States and the European Commission to give the local level the human resources they need to achieve the climate goals. The four main demands include:
- Financing the recruitment of municipal staff
- Making jobs more appealing and supporting local pooling of expertise
- Providing training and reallocation programmes
- Providing a framework enabling local governments to develop their own green budget, investments, and workforce
The manifesto can be signed by towns, cities, regions and other stakeholders in local climate action.
The campaign is based, among other things, on a current study that clearly shows that the need for personnel will increase in the coming years in view of the challenges ahead and that municipalities will have to act accordingly. The campaign thus aims to draw attention to the problem and call for support at national and EU level.
Read more
- Campaign website
- Manifesto: Local staff to future-proof municipalities
- Study „Human capacity in local governments: the bottleneck of the building stock transition”