

Climate Alliance members reaffirm commitment ahead of 24th Climate Summit

Climate Alliance members across Europe have reasserted their pledge to cut emissions by at least ten percent every five years in support of the Barcelona Declaration. “So many cities and towns are undertaking ambitious climate action and have been for some time. These efforts must be taken into account if we are to reach our climate goals on a national or even international level,” explains Andy Deacon, Climate Alliance Policy Coordinator. The Barcelona Declaration underlines that the local level is already doing its part on climate. It calls upon the EU and national governments to build upon the work of cities and regions in order to achieve national and international climate goals. The Climate Alliance General Assembly adopted the declaration on 2 October and presented on 3 October at the network’s annual conference in Barcelona. It comes just before the release of the IPCC’s latest climate report and roughly two months ahead of the 24th Climate Summit in Katowice, Poland. Climate Alliance will be taking the messages of the Barcelona Declaration to Katowice on behalf its some 1,700 fellow members from 26 countries.

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Photo: DiputacióBarcelona / MOMOJuditContreras