

Climate Alliance Luxembourg calls for a stop of the EU-Mercosur Agreement

Climate Alliance Luxembourg, together with committed Luxembourg municipalities, now called on the government to veto the agreement. Back in November 2020, Climate Alliance Luxembourg adopted the resolution of the European Secretariat of Climate Alliance against the EU-Mercosur Agreement. Since then, many Luxembourg municipalities have voted in favour of the resolution, for the most part even unanimously: Sandweiler, Roeser, Tandel, Feulen, Differdange, Schifflange, Betzdorf, Lorentzweiler, Esch-Alzette, Contern, Kehlen, Mertzig, Steinfort, Dudelange and Steinsel.

This way, Climate Alliance Luxembourg is supporting developments at the European level against the EU-Mercosur free trade agreement. Earlier this week, the European Ombudsman also accused the EU Commission of maladministration. Negotiations on the EU-Mercosur agreement were concluded at a time when the Sustainability Impact Assessment was not yet available and thus could not be included in the decision-making process.

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