Calculator for economic feasibility of renewable energy investments available
When consumers wish to take an active part in the production of renewable energies, they face the financial hurdle of the cost of assessing the feasibility of co-ownership projects in their communities. That’s why the new CSOP (Consumer Stock Ownership Plan) Calculator was developed. The tool is a financial model that enables consumers to acquire a share in an RE installation that supplies them, thus making them prosumers. It also permits co-investments of municipalities and small and medium-sized enterprises, making it a valuable financing tool for the local energy transition for Climate Alliance members.
The calculator is an open, interactive, online tool which provides consumers and municipalities actively involved in the energy transition and stakeholders without specific expertise and technological know-how (i.e. local authorities, individuals, consumer associations, micro-enterprises, etc.) with a preliminary assessment of their RE prosumer investments. Proposing an intuitive usage, the CSOP calculator simulates different scenarios and economic feasibility, providing a range of data relating to operating costs, cash flows, credit repayments, tax burden, and financial ratios (also available in the form of figures).
The tool was developed within the Climate Alliance project SCORE – Supporting Consumer Ownership in Renewable Energies. Interested municipalities and other stakeholders can now freely access the tool.
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Want to learn more? Contact Andrea Carosi at a.carosi(at)climatealliance.org for more information.