Climate Alliance event | 27.02.2024 | Online
Funding options for energy-efficient building renovations across Europe
Incorporating Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) into national funding schemes
Time: 10:30 – 12:00
Energy renovation can be very expensive. Incentives and funding to renovate underperforming buildings are crucial for achieving a decarbonized building stock in all EU countries. These incentives can take the form of obligations, such as phasing out fossil-fueled boilers, or financial support in the form of funding programs, tax reductions, subsidies for individual renovation roadmaps, or mandatory and subsidized energy efficiency advice. These funding schemes can influence investment decisions and motivate people to invest in the energy efficiency of their buildings.
The upcoming revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive emphasizes the importance of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) as tools not only to express the measured energy efficiency grade of a building but also as a marketing tool for citizens to demonstrate the value of their properties.
In this event, we will be exploring funding schemes in Europe for energy-efficient building renovations and how these schemes incorporate Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs). We welcome the following speakers:
- Rui Fragoso, Head of Buildings and Efficiency of Resources at ADENE, Portugal's energy agency
- Jana Lange, Franco-German office for energy transition
- Nicole Hartl, Austrian Energy Agency (AEA)
- Representative of the Danish Energy Agency (invited)
This event is being organised by the Climate Alliance project CrossCert.
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