
03.12.2019 | Webinar

Climate Emergency – Global Covenant of Mayors Global-Regional Exchange

From 13:00 to 14:00 CET

In response to the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C (SR1.5) and the Fridays4Future movement, over 1,000 jurisdictions in 19 countries have to date declared a Climate Emergency, committing to bold action and raising awareness on the urgency of the issue.

The Global Covenant of Mayors Secretariat, in collaboration with Climate Alliance, is organising this call as an opportunity to share experiences with cities that have issued a Climate Emergency Declaration. Climate Alliance will also present its take on the state of Climate Emergency declarations and talk about the network offers.

Please contact Sarah Mekjian at s.mekjian(at) if you are interested in attending.

Climate Emergency Webinars | Climate Alliance work on climate emergency