Hochtaunus Adaptation Forum

Regional forums on adaptation to climate change in the Hochtaunus region (DE)

A the gates of Germany's Rhine-Main area, only 30 km northwest of Frankfurt, lies the Taunus region. There, in the forested Taunus Main ridge or "Hochtaunus", the effects of climate change are already very visible. The large-scale dieback of the Spruce trees for which the area has become too warm and dry is one sign of this and similar climate effects can be seen for many other plant and animal species. A functioning biotope is critical to reinforce the adaptive capacity of ecosystems and species, yet the necessary coordination and exchange of experience amongst relevant stakeholders to safeguard such biotopes has been lacking thus far.

Together with the Hochtaunus district, Climate Alliance is developing a regional forum on climate change and biodiversity in the Hochtaunus region. The aim is to further develop and test exemplary regional governance structures and municipal cooperation for climate change adaptation as well as biological diversity as well as to enable transferability to other fields of action relevant to adaptation. The project brings together local actors such as decision-makers (multipliers), local authorities, political representatives, associations, initiatives and companies to "rethink" the region, strengthen local and regional initiatives for climate change adaptation and support projects integrating the themes of biodiversity and climate change. The project focuses on innovative exchange formats, building on the experiences of the Hochtaunus district, the City of Frankfurt and Climate Alliance in developing overarching coordination structures and participatory processes for climate change adaptation. Climate Alliance will make the experiences gained available to municipalities throughout Germany and beyond.

Project funding period: December 2021 – November 2024
via the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (Funding code: 67DAS243A), Funding measure: Promotion of measures for adaptation to climate change, funding area: Promotion of local and regional cooperation for adaptation to climate change

Want to learn more? Contact Julian Thoss at j.thoss(at)climatealliance.org

Further information