Cycling for a better climate

Since 2008, CITY CYCLING has been inviting local politicians and the public to cycle for their municipalities. In so doing, they promote cycling and advocate climate action. Participating municipalities choose 21 consecutive days between May and September during which the campaign is to be implemented. At the end of the season, the kilometres covered are tallied and the top municipalities in three different categories are awarded.

This campaign is a unique way to promote climate-friendly mobility in that it reaches out directly to members of municipal parliaments, encouraging them to experience the local cycle path network first hand. These politicians can then implement specific improvements based on their experiences, thus making it easier to travel by bicycle locally.

With its integrated reporting platform RADar!, CITY CYCLING also allows residents to draw attention to problematic or lacking infrastructure, thus providing local authorities with a combined communication, planning and citizen participation tool. The ideal instrument for promoting cycling, CITY CYCLING harmonises the interests of road users with road safety and climate protection.

The campaign won the EU’s Sustainable Energy Europe Award in 2011 conferred by the EU as well as the National Energy Globe Award Germany in 2015.

Want to learn more?
Contact André Muno at a.muno(at)